VIVA Centre for Advanced Research & Development

The inauguration of ' VIVA Centre for Advanced Research & Development ' took place on 8th January 2013 by Dr. Sunita Shailajan,
inharge of F13 Herbal Research Lab. and Associate Professor, Dept. Of Botany, Ruia college.The auspicious function was graced
by Shri. Hitendra Thakur, President VIVA Trust and other committee members of the trust.
The laboratory consists of sophisticated machines like GC-MS, AAS, HPTLC, HPLC, GC, FTIR and many more.
The laboratory aims at creating a research oriented attitude in the minds of students.
The department also plans to formulate courses tailormade for the needs and requirement in the Pharma and Chemical industries.
The soil & water testing laboratory is recognized by the Department of Agriculture, Govt. of Maharashtra.